The Non-Negotiable Importance of Owning Your Marketing Assets: Safeguarding Your Business’s Growth and Independence

Michael Brant

Founder & CEO
Published on
May 18, 2023

The Non-Negotiable Importance of Owning Your Marketing Assets: Safeguarding Your Business’s Growth and Independence

Michael Brant

Founder & CEO
Published on
May 18, 2023
In the digital age, marketing is more than crafting compelling stories about your products or services. It involves a nuanced understanding of multiple online platforms, leveraging a wide array of tools to optimize reach, and monitoring and analyzing the impact of your campaigns in real-time. One fundamental aspect of digital marketing that businesses often overlook is the ownership of their marketing assets.

Marketing assets include your Facebook Ad Account, Google Ad Account, Google Analytics Account, Google Tag Manager (GTM) Account, Facebook Pixel, and other tools and resources. These assets are critical to your business’s online visibility, customer reach, and overall growth. As such, you must have complete control over these assets.

The Consequences of Not Owning Your Marketing Assets

Not owning your business marketing assets can result in several serious repercussions. For instance, if a third-party agency has control over your assets and they decide to terminate their services, your business could be left in a precarious situation.

  1. Losing Access: If the agency owns your marketing assets, you could lose access to these crucial tools, causing immediate disruptions to your campaigns.
  2. Data Loss: A more severe consequence would be losing all the historical data associated with these assets. The loss of this data can be detrimental, as it contains insights that can guide future marketing decisions.
  3. Starting from Scratch: In the worst-case scenario, you might have to start from scratch with a new account, which means losing all the momentum, reputation, and audience segmentation that you’ve built up over time.

The Benefits of Paying Directly for Ad Spend

To further promote transparency and control in your digital marketing efforts, we recommend that businesses pay directly for their ad spending through Facebook or Google. This practice has two significant benefits.

  1. Transparency: By paying directly, you clearly understand where your marketing budget is going. There’s no room for any hidden markups that an agency might add.
  2. Control: Direct payment gives you control over your marketing budget. You can increase, decrease, or pause ad spending based on your business needs without going through an intermediary.

Case Study: The High Cost of Not Owning Your Marketing Assets

The Introduction

Our client had endured a series of disappointing engagements with marketing agencies. Each followed a similar pattern: grand promises followed by steep fees and, ultimately, underwhelming performance. After severing ties with one such agency, she decided to take a more personal approach, hiring what she believed was a trusted family friend to manage her Facebook advertising campaigns.

The Problem

Relying on their relationship, she trusted this individual to handle her digital marketing assets responsibly. This person set up a new Facebook ad account and Pixel under his agency’s name. Over a year, he demonstrated poor performance in managing the ads.

When our client realized that her “friend” was not performing adequately and was pocketing her hard-earned money, she terminated their agreement. However, she hit a brick wall because she wasn’t the ad account and pixel owner. The agency refused to surrender ownership of these assets, leaving her without access to a year’s worth of crucial data, representing a substantial portion of her investment.

The Impact

The data collected over a year could have been invaluable for a new agency in setting up effective ad campaigns. However, she was denied access to this critical information due to the lack of ownership. The situation inflicted heavy losses on the client monetarily and in terms of wasted time and missed opportunities.

Consequently, she was forced to start anew, investing more time and money and experiencing disruption to her business.

The Solution

This problematic experience taught our client a crucial lesson about owning one’s marketing assets. Had she owned her Facebook ad account and pixel, she could have smoothly transitioned by removing the old agency and adding a new one without losing data or momentum.

She now realizes that owning these marketing assets enables a seamless change in digital marketing services while retaining a continuous record of valuable user data, crucial for her business’s growth.

The Conclusion

This case warns other businesses about the pitfalls of not owning your marketing assets. Ensuring direct control over these vital tools safeguards your investment, maintains continuous access to essential customer data, and facilitates seamless transitions between marketing service providers.

This client’s story also serves as a reminder that trust in personal relationships should never replace diligence in managing business assets. Decisions involving your business’s digital assets need to be informed, careful, and always in the best interest of your business.

The importance of working with a company that believes in transparency and honesty

At MRB Media, our approach to doing business is built on the twin pillars of transparency and honesty. We believe in empowering our clients by ensuring they own their ad accounts, pixels, and other marketing assets. This principle secures their business independence and provides a clear window into the performance of their advertising campaigns. Clients can review their ad performance anytime, offering a real-time check on our service delivery. We supplement this transparency with regular marketing meetings—monthly or quarterly—where we discuss and align on marketing goals, compare them against the results achieved so far, and strategize on future action plans. Our commitment to transparency means our clients always know how their investments are performing and what value they derive from our partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are business marketing assets?

Business marketing assets include your Facebook Ad Account, Google Ad Account, Google Analytics Account, Google Tag Manager (GTM) Account, Facebook Pixel, and many other online tools and resources critical to your business’s visibility, reach, and growth.

Why is it essential to own my business marketing assets?

Ownership of your business marketing assets gives you complete control and independence over your campaigns. You’re not reliant on third-party agencies to access or control these assets, which means no sudden disruptions or data loss if you terminate a contract with an agency.

What happens if I don't own my business marketing assets?

If a third-party agency has control over your assets and decides to end its services, you could lose access to these crucial tools, causing immediate disruptions to your campaigns. You could even lose all the historical data associated with these assets, which would be detrimental to your future marketing decisions.

Why should I pay directly for ad spend on platforms like Facebook and Google?

Paying directly for your ad spend gives you a clear understanding of your marketing budget. It eliminates any room for hidden markups that an agency might add. It gives you complete control over your marketing budget.

How does owning my marketing assets improve transparency?

When you own your marketing assets, you can view the performance of your campaigns at any time. This offers a real-time check on your service delivery and ensures you always know how your investments are performing.

Can I transition smoothly to a new agency if I own my marketing assets?

Absolutely. If you own your marketing assets, you can smoothly transition by removing the old agency and adding a new one without losing data or momentum.

What lessons can I learn from the entrepreneur case study?

This case study is a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of not owning your marketing assets. It shows the financial loss, time waste, and missed opportunities that can occur if you do not have direct control over your business’s digital assets.

Why is it essential to choose an agency that believes in transparency and honesty, like MRB Media?

Choosing an agency that values transparency and honesty, like MRB Media, means you’ll always know how your investments perform. Regular marketing meetings and the opportunity to review your ad performance anytime ensures a transparent, honest relationship that benefits your business.

What are the benefits of partnering with MRB Media?

At MRB Media, we believe in empowering our clients. We ensure you own your ad accounts, pixels, and other marketing assets. Regular marketing meetings and the freedom to review your ad performance anytime offer a real-time check on our service delivery and maintain transparency in our partnership.

How does MRB Media handle a client's marketing assets?

MRB Media ensures clients own their ad accounts, pixels, and other marketing assets. This gives clients a clear view of their campaign’s performance and complete control over their digital marketing, creating a transparent and honest relationship.

About The Author

Michael Brant

Founder & CEO

With over 15 years in digital marketing, Mr. Brant, founder of MRB Media, holds an MSc in Digital Marketing from the University of Salford and certifications including CDME, CDMP, PCM, and StoryBrand Certified Guide. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Computer Science from Harvard, he is also certified in Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google AI. Fluent in English and Spanish, and having traveled to over 50 countries, he brings a global perspective to clients, offering expert SEO, web design, and branding services.

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